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A Reply to Medivh1984

After a nice comment from Medivh1984, I thought I'd give him/her a little update as to what happened shortly thereafter . . .

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Slaves of the Operating System

Following so soon upon the heels of my last entry, here is something interesting by way of comparison between XP Pro and Mandriva 2006.0: how easily (or otherwise) can one record and disseminate audio files from home to students by e-mail?

This proved to be unexpectedly difficult under XP, and an explanation follows . . .

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Fight for a Free Mind

After another long break, here is a pungent recapitilation of opinion. This arrives as, yet again, the ridiculous annual cycle of contract renewal - so typical of the East Asian way of doing things - looms large.

It also reflects upon the difficulty of transitioning between Operating Systems - and the reasons why some people find this so very difficult . . .

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To GUI or Not to GUI, That is . . . Illogical, Captain . . .

It's been a small while since I last wrote anything for these pages, so let's start on a light note first: I unsubscribed from the execrable "services" of RealNetworks. The reason? What they offer by way of content can be summed up in one word: CRAP.

Contrary to the obviously cherished beliefs of the bods in charge at Real, not everyone who wants online content over broadband connections is an empty-headed R&B clone who wants to listen to the same drone all the time over their expensive cable connection. Nor are they satisfied with paying almost twelve pounds sterling (US readers work it out: expensive) every month to discover that the televisual content never seems to change. Last weekend I lost it completely and unsubscribed - making my credit card imbalance automatically almost twelve quid a month lighter. Did RealNetworks try to persuade me to change my mind? No. All I got was an automatic e-mail to remind me that since the "services" were paid one month in advance, I could still "enjoy" them until expiry. As if!

So, RealNetworks lose another customer because of crap, yoof-oriented content not really deemed remotely interesting to a fortysomething like myself. Very flash-looking "Guide", but little substance. A tale of our times, indeed. And useless under Linux, of course . . . ^_^

Anyway, today's theme: The Constant Arguments Between Proponents of Different Linux GUIs and Lovers of the Command Line.

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Pioneers Forevermore

2006.6 was working fine, and here a few success stories. However, this new blog comes just after updating the ATI drivers. Aaarrrrghhh!!!!!

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"I Liked the Company so Much, I Bought the Software . . ."

As I sit here, with the last hours of weekend freedom ticking away and another week of teaching beckoning, I look back at the year's experiences with Mandrake/Mandriva.

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Three Weeks Later . . . How Am I Getting On???

With the Cretin of the Western World only forty minutes up the road in Busan, fukudasan looks at how the latest version of Mandriva is working . . .

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A problem that's still there . . .

2006.0 is great but some strange little kinks still remain . . . what happened to the download sources???

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Open Office

There was a glaring omission from the Mandriva 2006 ISOs . . .
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Installing Mandriva 2006 . . . what a trial! :-(

After successfully downloading, burning and installing Mandriva 2005LE, 2006 became available and I downloaded it via FTP. Then came the usual trouble of forgetting the correct settings when burning . . . finally I installed it and an upgrade didn't work, I had to scrub the partition and re-install AGAIN.

Here is a selection of points and changes which I have made in the last twenty-four hours . . .

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Creator: Arkub  Date: 2005/08/21 16:58
Last Author: Arkub  Date: 2005/11/16 11:11
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