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A problem that's still there . . .

2006.0 is great but some strange little kinks still remain . . . what happened to the download sources???

Some time after my last entry, things have been happening. The first thing is that last night I finally got three notifications of port scans for the first time in instances which were not instigated by myself from the Gibson Corporation (security scans). Secondly, I now have a Java-based trading station for FOREX set up and running apparently perfectly, independent of Windoze, which is wonderful. I did think, however, that I should check for updates.

Although I had previously installed OpenOffice 2.0.0 from their own "native" package, I had received notification from Mandriva and wanted to check this. But yet again, when in MCC, I went to "Check for updates" only to find that things were misconfigured. This has been true for all of the versions of Mandriva/Mandrake I have had on this machine since the original installation of Mandrake 10.0 earlier this year; all too often, I boot up only to find that there is some minor "instability" resulting in settings being lost. One of the most common of these has historically been the loss of the background upon logging in; another which I have still not been able to cure is the baffling inability to run Adobe Reader.

The result of all of this is that at least once a week, when I want to check for any security updates or bugfixes, I have to resort to Easy URPMI and do the whole thing manually. I find this very irritating. I have just tried checking for updates and all that is coming up is "RealPlayer-10.0 . . . mdk", which as many here have been commenting does not work and should never have been included in the distro. The other packages which have not been installed do not show up, yet surely OpenOffice 2.0.0 should be among these?

I don't know why it is that essential settings for updates are not maintained; this is important enough for Yours Truly to consider it a Serious Bug. Can anyone shed some light on this irritating phenomenon?

Some time later . . .

Well, I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling, even updating to the latest version of J2RE which works fine, but I can't see why can't start Acrobat Reader 7. Any ideas, anyone???

Even later than that (but not too much later) . . .

I tried the following command in a console (as root ) after changing to the /usr/local/Adobe/Acrobat7.0/bin/ directory:

tail --follow acroread

and among the other stuff which came up:

if (square bracket) -f "$ACRO_EXEC_CMD" (square bracket) ; then
exec "$ACRO_EXEC_CMD" ${1+"$@"}
echo "ERROR: Cannot find $ACRO_EXEC_CMD"
echo " $prod not installed for this configuration, "$ACRO_CONFIG."
exit 1

So it looks like the exec-command for acroread is not present. What can I do about this?

Andrew (in South Korea) ^_^

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AProblemThatsStillThere ()
Creator: chromium  Date: 2005/11/12 06:22
Last Author: chromium  Date: 2006/02/12 11:02
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