Arrrrg! My mail has disappeared:(Easter has started and I've been "busy" playing Civilization 4 for the last and now that I took a break from my important world domination plans I found out that my mail for the last days has just disappeared… :( Easter has started and I've been "busy" playing Civilization 4 for the last and now that I took a break from my important world domination plans to check my mail and do other stuff I found out that I hadn't received any mail since monday.. On the same account I had received a lot of other mail filtered in to different directories on the mail server, so obviously there was some issues with the filtering rule that showed up from nowhere, second time this happened to me.. :( Haven't blogged for a few days, this seems to be a good opportunity to complain/blog again. %"#"#¤!"#¤1 243!¤"#¤%!¤%"¤ &!¤ %¤! #¤"%!%¤!%¤!#¤%!#¤% 5¤"!#¤%"!¤#%!¤%¤#!%#¤"%!#¤ 5!#¤%#¤%=?¤#%?!¤#=?%!#¤?%=!#?¤ </cartoonishprofanitycensorship> bluarg! |