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Waste of time?

Ahrr, today I've tried to package the additional stuff needed by kxdocker, not very fun.. Well, I've tried playing around with kxdocker, the one in cooker seems to depend on stuff that's not packaged, so not very usable.. :

KXdocker consists on a lot of archives with various stuff, and some of the stuff split up into their own archives are also shipped with kxdocker itself, very, very weird..

I don't get this, and I'm fed up now, maybe I'll give it another try later..

At least I've updated to latest kxdocker (1.1.1) today..

Oh, also, seems like noone bother (or noticed?) problems with the width of the new mandriva banner in linux_logo on console running with "regular" resolution, I've fixed that today at the same time that I updated it. :)

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WasteOfTime ()
Creator: dvalin  Date: 2006/03/21 17:39
Last Author: dvalin  Date: 2006/03/22 13:27
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