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Packaging and license issues

I looked through package requests on the club the other day and found this truecrypt software that someone else already had done most of the package work on, cool until I read the license after finishing up my work on it.. Well, I took a glance at truecrypt some time ago since it being requested on the club, I didn't do much more as the software didn't seem that friendly to being packaged..

Then the other day I stumbled across someone who had actually packaged it for Mandriva, quite good package quality for a third party package too! After adapting the package and polishing it to make it perfect, about to finish it up I noticed the non-standard license. Taking a closer look at the license it made me decide not to publish my work, it wasn't released under a license that can be considered free(which means that I cannot upload the package to cooker) and also it had way too many terms to be met that I dare to publish it on the club.

Annoying! Well, in the future I'll be sure to investigate this way earlier in the process of packaging software.. *grin*

Tomorrow I'll be leaving for Sweden to visit a friend, will be back at the end of the weekend. :)

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Creator: dvalin  Date: 2006/03/22 14:12
Last Author: dvalin  Date: 2006/03/22 14:12
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