Clube Mandriva - Transferências de ISOs e Software, arquivos… (RPMs)
Bem-vindo à secção de transferências do Clube Mandriva. Aqui pode efectuar vários tipos de transferências.
You can download the various Mandriva distributions available at your membership level via BitTorrent by clicking on the "My Torrents" link to the left. If technical problems prevent you from downloading via BitTorrent, you may request access to our HTTP / FTP direct download servers by clicking on the "HTTP / FTP Access" link to the left. You can also download individual packages for your installed Mandriva system in several ways: Our recommended method for installing new packages is to use the Mandriva package management system. Mandriva's package management applications, the graphical installer "rpmdrake" and the command line installer "urpmi", use the same system for retrieving and installing packages. By clicking on the "Mirror Finder" link to the left, you can generate commands which will allow you to use urpmi and rpmdrake to automatically download and install packages from our servers and public mirrors. The Mirror Finder module will help you set up several package repositories, called "media", which contain different types of packages, from the regular packages that make up the distribution to the special, Club-only packages we provide as a privilege of Club membership. The other way to download packages is to download the individual package files directly and install them manually. In order to do this, please use the search system, choose an RPM and you will be back here. For servers requiring authentication, remember your username is now your email address, not your nickname. Please do not copy the list of ftp servers you'll find here on publicly available web sites, mailing lists, etc., especially not shortly after the new release: if you do so, the servers we tried to keep "only for you" will be hopelessly overloaded for at least one week, like all other ftp servers with Mandriva mirrors are… |