Install a GeoCMS on Mandriva 2006
Published by Franck_Martin on Tuesday, April 25 2006 @ 01:17:36 CEST
A Geospatial Content Management System is a CMS with included maps that work interactively with other part of the CMS. For instance you can :
Mandriva 2006 in contrib has all the required packages to a quick start except two packages which are in cooker: tikiwiki-1.9.2 and tikiwiki-mapdata. Tikiwiki-1.9.1 is in contrib but should not be used for security reasons. These additional packages specifically needed for 2006 should be in club soon. The following page http://www.sopac.org/tiki/tiki-index.php?page=MapServerSoftware has simple instructions to follow to install the GeoCMS. It has as well all the contrib packages required. If you want some support in the installation, visit the IRC channel #tikiwiki on irc.freenode.net or http://tikiwiki.org or drop me an e-mail on [email protected]. |