Sun provides the SDK as a self-extracting RPM already... you need to do only six things: (1) download the file (2) chmod +X, run it, accept the license. It will extract the RPM. (3) set the directory containing the RPM as a new "local media" in "Software Management"/"Select From Where..." (the Media Manager). You do this via "add custom" Media of type "local files". (4) Update it twice. Media Manager will probably say something nasty about "Media could not be Updated", but it's actually OK. (5) Enable this Media, Disable the others. The run "Look at Installable... and Install Software Packages". (6) IMPORTANT! In your .bash_profile, add two lines: export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_05/jre export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
Em português: ============= O pacote (j2re) que funciona comigo pode ser encontrado em Você só precisa digitar "j2re" (sem as '"') e clicar no botão procurar. Depois é só baixar o pacote e instalar com rpm -Uvh . Agora (2006-02-02) eu encontrei: In English: =========== The package (j2re) that works fine can be found at You can write "j2re" (without '"') and click in search. Then download the package. Now (2006-02-02) I found: