Using the Shell VSummary:
Filename Globbing or ExpansionFilename globbing allows you to provide more than one filename to a command without having to write all filenames in full. You use special characters for this, called 'wildcards'. Say you want to delete all files in a directory that end with the string '.bak' using the 'rm' command'. Instead of typing each filename as an argument to 'rm', you use the '*' wildcard: rm *.bak '*' matches zero or more characters. In this example, you tell the shell to expand the argument to the 'rm' command to "all file names ending on or consisting of the string '.bak'", the shell does so and passes that expanded argument to the 'rm' command. As you will see, it is important to note that the shell reads and interprets the command line before the command does it. This has the advantage that you can use wildcards with (almost) all shell commands which take strings (file names, directory names, search strings etc) for an argument. Let's play a bit more with the '*' wildcard. You have a directory which contains the files '124.bak', '346.bak' and '583.bak'. You want to keep '583.bak'. What you do is this rm *4*.bak The shell expands '4.bak' to "all file names which contain the number '4' and the end on the string '.bak'". rm: cannot remove `4*.bak': No such file or directory Now you want to keep the file '346.bak' but delete '124.bak' and '583.bak'. That's trickier since the files which are to be deleted have nothing in common except the ending. But lucky as you are, you can also define files by what they not have: rm *[!6].bak This reads: delete all files which end on the string '.bak' except for those which end on the string '6.bak'. You have to put the negation sign '1.1 ' and the character to be negated (here '6') into brackets, because otherwise the shell interprets the exclamation mark as the beginning of a history substitution . Negation works with all globbing patterns introduced in this article. Notice that it is very easy to shoot yourself in the foot with the '*' wildcard and negation. Guess what rm *[!6]*.bak does? It deletes all the files, even the one which does contain a '6' in its filename. If you put '*' wildcards before and after a negation, it renders the negation practically useless, because the shell expands this to "all file names which do not have that character at any given position". In our example, the only file name on which that pattern would not have matched, would have been '666.bak'. The second wildcard is the question mark, '?'. In a globbing pattern, a question mark represents exactly one character. To demonstrate its use, let's add two new files to the three example files, '311.bak~' and 'some.text'. Now list all files, which have exactly four characters after the dot: ls *.???? does this. The question mark wildcard is also a useful means to avoid the 'negation trap' mentioned above: rm *[!4]?.* This expands to "all files except for those with a '4' in the second to last position before the dot" and deletes all files except for '346.bak'. Is there more? You bet. So far, you've only seen globbing patterns which match one character at a certain position. But nothing keeps you from matching more than one: ls [13]* lists all files which either begin with the character '1' or the character '3'; in our test case the file '124.bak', '311.bak~' and '346.bak' match. Notice that you have to enclose the pattern in brackets, otherwise the pattern would match only files which begin with the string '13'. Now all that's left for ultimate happiness to ensue is the possibility to define ranges of matches: ls *[3-8]?.* lists all files whose second to last character before the dot is a number between '3' and '8'. In our example, this matches the files '346.bak' and '583.bak'. Quoting Special Shell CharactersThese powerful mechanisms have one drawback, though: the shell will always try to expand them, and it will do so before the command. There are several cases in which this can get in your way:
rm !* rm rm: too few arguments The shell interprets '1.1 *' as a history substitution ('insert all arguments from previous command'), not as a globbing pattern.
find . -name [1-9]* -print find: paths must precede expression Properly: find . -name '[1-9]*' -print ./346.bak ./124.bak ./583.bak ./311.bak~ You can quote such special characters like 1.1 , $, ? or the empty space either with a back slash: ls !* !56.bak or with (single) quotes ls '!'* !56.bak Notice that using quotes may need some deliberation on where to put them. ls '1.1 *' would look for file called '1.1 *' since the second wildcard is now quoted, too, and thus interpreted literally. Output RedirectionThe Unix philosophy is to have many small programs, each excelling at a certain task. Complex tasks are not fulfilled by complex programs but by tying together a bunch of programs with a handful of shell mechanisms. One of them is redirecting output. Redirecting between two or more commandsThis is done via 'pipes', denoted by the pipe symbol |. The syntax is command1 | command2 | command3 You've certainly seen them already. They are often used to direct the output of a program to a pager like 'more' or 'less'. ls -l | less The first command provides the directory listing and the second displays it in a scrollable manner. A more complex example: rpm -qa | grep ^x | less The first command puts together a list of all installed RPMs, the second filters ('grep') those that start ('^') with an 'x' and the third displays the results in a paged and scrollable list. Redirecting from or into filesSometimes you want to save the output of a command in a file or feed it from a file. This is done via the operators '>' and '<'. command > file saves the output of command in file overwriting all previous content of file: ls > dirlist saves the listing of the current directory to a file called 'dirlist'. command < file uses file as the input for command: sort < dirlist > sdirlist feeds the content of 'dirlist' to the 'sort' command, which sorts it and puts the sorted output into the 'sdirlist' file. Of course, if you're clever, you'd do that in one step: ls | sort > sdirlist A special case is ' command 2> file Another operator is '>>'. This one appends the output to a existent file: echo "string" >> file
This would append string to the content of the file file. A quick way to edit a file without opening an editor first1.1 command < file1 > file1 will erase the content of file1. However command < file1 >> file1 will work fine and append the processed content of file1 to the same file. That's a lot isn't it? ;-) No need to panic, you can learn everything step by step at your own pace. Practice makes perfect ... Next Item: Customizing: Shell configuration files, the prompt, $PATH Related Resources:man bash Revision / Modified: Feb. 28, 2002 Legal: This page is covered by the GNU Free Documentation License . Standard disclaimers of warranty apply. Copyright LSTB and Mandrakesoft. |