Downloading softwares, archives (RPMs)You can search for specific softwares on http://rpms.mandrivaclub.com, download them or add the corresponding mirror as a URPMI media source. Let's see what we find on the web site that hosts the software database. There's a number of categories and the web site lets you sort the softwares by date, name and subset (i.e.: Education, Networking/Mail, Networking/Chat, Video, etc.). Then you can download the RPM or use gurpmi* which will install it. Mandriva Linux official softwares and contribsHere you'll find the (Mandriva Expert supported) softwares for Mandriva Linux 10.0. The server has the distribution softwares and also quite a few contributions (for example : the original packages for Mozilla, kernel, OpenOffice 1.1.0 and a lot more). Mandriva Linux official updateshttp://rpms.mandrivaclub.com/rpms/mandriva/official/updates/index.html These softwares are bugfix and security updates. Here you can find, among others, the kernel (in July 2004). There are also updates for every supported version of Mandriva Linux. Mandriva Club commercial softwaresMandriva Club commercial packages Here you'll find all the commercial packages available in the boxed products (Discovery, Powerpack, Powerpack+) as well as updated commercial applications like NVidia and ATI drivers, madwifi kernel, etc. Mandriva Club test softwares, archives (RPMs)http://rpms.mandrivaclub.com/rpms/mandrivaclub/test/index.html Not supported on Mandriva Expert. Those softwares are built by Club volonteers. They're in test phase and are for Club members only. Here you'll find Mozilla 1.7 for example. |