- 20050705
- Updated nexuiz to 1.1 with fixes and built it for x86_64
- Investigating problems with x86_64
- nexuiz and scribus moved to testing
- packages should from now on have proper release tags for backports to stable releases (%mkrel)
- 20050706
- Packaged new scribus- for x86_64 and made som lib64 fixes to it
- fixed building of inkscape on x86_64 and built it with required dependencies (gtkmm2.0 sigc++2.0 libgc)
- inkscape and new scribus is now in testing
- built hugin and avview (updated with lots of fixes) for x86_64
- hugin is now in testing
- built dkms-spca5xx (spca5xx (10.2/x86_64)), uploaded to cooker and testing
- built knemo for x86_64 with lots of fixes
- 20050712
- fixed problem with python-matplotlib
- moved knemo to testing
- working on new club volunteer system
- 20050714
- fixed python-matplotlib for x86_64 and moved it to testing
- investigated x86_64 mirror problems
- built alltray (from scratch, src.rpm in contrib got lost:()
- 20050718
- Built and uploaded Ktorrent (10.2/i586)
- Rebuilt enblend 2.3 for 10.2/i586
- 20050720
- Diagram for new volunteer system finally done
- Rebuilt ktorrent to fix linking problem
- 20050721
- Built sdlBasic (10.2/i586) and moved it to testing
- Rebuilt scribus 1.3.0 (with lib64 fix) for 10.2/i586 and moved it to testing
- Rebuilt enblend 2.3 for 10.2/i586 and moved it to testing
- 20050722
- Started to look at packaging opensi
- 20050724
- Rebuilt gnu source installer (10.2/i586) and moved it to testing
- Started working on opensi
- Worked on wink (testing new release again, reported bug upstream)
- 20050725
- Built libopensi and opensi-client
- 2005726
- Rebuilt latest k3b for 10.2/i586 and moved it to testing
- Built qtiplot (10.2/i586) and moved it to testing
- Rebuilt thunderbird 1.0.6 for 10.2/x86_64
- Rebuilt scribus 1.3.0 for 10.2/x86_64
- Tried building Kasound, ran into problems, reported upstream
- Built gslist from scratch for cooker, then rebuilt it for 10.2/x86_64
- Built pgadmin3 from scratch for cooker
- 20050728
- Built pgadmin3 with cppunit and wxGTK2.6 (both required) for x86_64 and moved it to testing
- 20050729
- Rebuilt firefox 1.0.6 for x86_64 and moved it to testing
- Wink 1.5 package is now finished with last upstream fixes!