- 20050602
- Creating this page (not finished) :)
- Captive - ntfs read/write support under linux
- Problems: Project abandoned, need to work out problems..
- 20050600
- Forgot the whole wiki (some of what I recall..):
- Been thinking of, discussing, planning ideas for club, volunteer system etc.
- Trying, failing, done work on lots of packages not mentioned..
- Various packages uploaded:
- OpenVPN (10.0/i586)
- Blender 3D (10.0/i586)
- SuperKaramba (10.1/i586)
- licq 1.3 (10.1/i586)
- gaim-encryption (10.1/i586)
- LIRC 0.7 (10.1/i586)
- openvpn 2.0 (10.1/i586)
- amarok 1.1.1 (10.1/i586)
- Kernel 2.6.9 with club co (10.1/i586)
- DirectX 9 under Wine (10.1/i586)
- Kile 1.7.x (10.1/i586)
- The Battle for Wesnoth (10.1/i586)
- Subversion 1.2 (10.2/i586)
- kguitar (10.2/i586)
- hdparm 6.1 (10.2/i586)
- WiFi Radar (10.2/i586)
- Mozilla 1.7.8 (GTK2/Xft) (10.2/i586)
- DirectX 9 under Wine (10.2/i586)
- Reload Editor (10.2/i586)
- Uploaded, but seems to be problems with x86_64 packages on the club
- freeciv 2.0 (10.2/x86-64)
- licq 1.3 (10.2/x86-64)
- In progress:
- Captive (problem mentioned above)
- Wink (waiting for suggested fixes being done by author)
- 20050615
- Worked on packages:
- Roadmap (10.2/i586) with required deps (gpsd, shapelib, lots of work!)
- 20050616
- Worked on packages:
- Roadmap (10.2/i586) uploaded and should be working now :)
- KZenExplorer (10.2/i586) with required deps (updated libnjb) uploaded
- matplotlib (10.2/i586) uploaded
- uploaded thac's noveclient packages to testing as he wasn't able to himself
- 20050620
- Worked on packages:
- Kile 1.8.1 (10.2/i586) uploaded
- 20050627
- Investigated problems with x86_64 packages uploaded to club not showing up
- Worked on packages:
- swscanner: sqlite qt plugin missed, added by Laurent, but still a lot of problems in swscanner code, current release won't build
- 20050628
- cleaned up a few requests etc.
- 20050629
- Worked on packages:
- autopackage (10.2/i586) & (10.1/i586) uploaded
- konference (10.1/i586) uploaded
- 20050630
- Published club article
- Fixed x86_64 package issue, x86_64 will now show up on the club! :)
- Fixed packages in done that was linked to the wrong repository (which prevented people to fetch the packages with urpmi)
- Worked on packages:
- screem 0.12.0 (10.1/i586), won't be done, requires too many new libraries from newer gnome, but screem in cooker has now been updated to latest & greatest :)
- gtkpod-0.88.2 (10.2/x86_64) moved to testing
- licq 1.3 (10.2/x86_64) moved to testing
- freeciv 2.0 (10.2/x86_64) moved to testing
- gaim-encryption (10.2/x86_64) built and moved to testing
- kqemu (10.2/noarch) built and moved to testing
- Hugin (10.2/x86_64) built
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